Converting fuel?synthesis process water to aquaculture feed by purple non?sulfur bacteria
The availability of agricultural wastewater in arid climes limits the possibility of exploiting purple non?sulfur bacteria (PNSB) to recover aquafeed bioproducts. Thus, this study examines the feasibility of recovering such bioproducts using fuel?synthesis process water (FSPW) as a feedstock. Experiments were performed under varying light conditions. The results revealed that PNSB cultured in the zero?nitrogen feedstock had over 40% protein content, contained substantial lipids and pigments, and reduced FSPW organics by over 70%. Light intensity significantly impacted biomass constituents and treatment efficiency. A biomass yield of 1 gVSS/gCODremoved was also achieved. These results are promising for the potential development of a circular economy to convert FSPW to aquafeed.