
The project’s overall objective is to demonstrate a seamless sustainable route to a circular economy for plastics by developing an advanced energy, carbon, and cost-efficient waste plastic biotransformation into high market demand bioproducts and bioplastics. The consortium brings together leading experts from industry and academia contributing a set of purpose-designed and ground-breaking technologies in order to achieve the following specific objectives:

1. Development of accelerated high-efficiency biodegradation incorporating microorganism communities expressing at least three novel and improved enzymatic activities enabling the degradation of mixtures of plastics.
2. Sustainable degradation of at least 20% of mixed plastics.
3. Bioprocessed high value bioproducts including equivalent bioplastics valorising mixed plastic waste.
4. Sustainable prototype system plan, paving the way to bring the developed solution to the market, fulfilling current needs, future expectations, and delivering a seamless bio-innovative route for a circular economy for plastics.

Research Topic in Frontiers in Bioengineering & Biotechnology edited by BioICEP partners

Bio-Technological Processes and Enzymes for the Conversion and Valorization of Plastic Wastes

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870292.

Beijing Institute of Technology Funding Number: 31961133015
Shandong University Funding Number: 31961133014
Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Funding Number: 31961133016