At ACTECO, they work hard towards a fully integrated management recycling and recovery process for both hazardous and non-hazardous industrial waste. Their plants are involved in all aspects of this process such as equipment hire, waste collection, transportation, storage and conditioning, as well as recycling and recovery, or, where necessary, waste disposal, thus contributing to a circular economy. At their premises, they correctly manage any hazardous and non-hazardous waste in full compliance with the current legislation, while providing advice in order to obtain all environmental certificates required to successfully complete any audits or inspections. Therefore, their environmental consulting service can provide the ultimate level of support for those that require additional assistance. They help companies to meet their environmental liability obligations and to project an image to match their commitment towards customers and society in general. Their social and environmental commitment towards people and nationwide institutions is central to our business, as evidenced by their constant support of R&D&I and their partnerships with technology entities such as AIDIMME, AIMPLAS and AIJU, in addition to their certifications endorsing the quality of our work (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, SONY GREEN PARTNER, R&D programme by the Ministry of Industry).
Acteco Productos y Servicios como gestores de residuos se va a encargar de recoger residuos posconsumo generados en la región de España, con el fin de obtener una muestra representativa de los residuos generados en la misma. Una vez recogidos se triturará el material y se pasará por la línea de densado para poder separar los diferentes materiales de los que se compone el residuo. Una vez realizada esa separación se realizarán las mezclas de polímeros indicadas, de esta manera se obtiene un residuo homogéneo que ya puede ser utilizado en el proceso de pretratamiento, así como proporcionar material a los Institutos Tecnológicos para que puedan realizar su caracterización tanto física como química. Además, contribuirá en las tareas de caracterización del residuo gracias a la utilización de equipos de Calorimetría de Barrido Diferencial para conocer los puntos de fusión de las mezclas preparadas o la cantidad de cargas inorgánicas presentes en la mezcla gracias a la reciente instalación de una mufla.
Ángel Martínez
Logoplaste Innovation Lab is an independent business unit of the Logoplaste Group, active in the research and development of high-performance plastic packaging solutions, through a 360º methodology. This methodology takes as its starting point the human factors (what people desire?) and combine them with technological and business factors allied with laboratory resources. The result is an integrated and supported by extensive creative, technical, and business analysis knowledge to deliver the best solution to the customer and consumer. Logoplaste Group is a leading global designer and manufacturer of value-added rigid plastic packaging solutions to a wide range of blue-chip clients, with its origin in Portugal. Founded in 1976, for over 42 years the company has pioneered by its innovation and customer service approach beyond the pure manufacturing process. Focused on a sustainable future, Logoplaste is one of the pioneer companies to sign the “New Plastics Economy Global Commitment” by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. The “New Plastics Economy Global Commitment” aims to create a new scenario for plastic packaging, increasing the amount of reused or recycled plastics in new products and promoting innovation to ensure 100% of Plastic packaging can be reused, recycled or composted by 2025.
ILab team:
- Paulo Correia: R&D director and ILAB responsible | Advisory during all project activities, mainly during the packaging development phase
- Maria Eugenia B. Zacarias: R&D Raw Materials, Sustainability and Regulatory Affairs responsible | Technical raw materials support during the packaging development phase
- Verónica Salgueiro: Packaging Engineering Support Coordinator | Technical support during the packaging validation phase
- Bruno Machado: Technical Director | Technical support during the packaging development phase
- Nuno Pereira: FEA Coordinator | FEA support during the packaging development phase
- Rudiney Souza: CAD Coordinator | CAD support during the packaging development phase
- Márcia Damas: Project Manager Officer | Project activities coordination
- Pedro Santana: Project Manager | Project activities coordination
María Eugenia Zacarías